Input 12345 output 1 2 3 4 5

Create a program which will ask the user to input 5 digit number and display the numbers between spaces.


1 2 3 4 5

Here's the tip:

12345 - 2345 = 10000/10000 = 1
2345 - 345 = 2000/1000 = 2
345 - 45 = 300/100 = 3
45 - 5 = 40/10 = 4
45 - 40 = 5

You will notice that you need to subtract the 12345 to 2345. 2345 is the digit except for the 1st digit number. How to get it?

12345%10000 = 2345

its like 12345/10000 = 1.2345

This % will get the remainder.

Hope you get an idea from that.

If you have any comment, feel free to post.

Windows 7 Local Area Network Problem

Have you experienced when you connect your Internet cable to your computer, two local area network appeared despite the fact that you only have one adapter? I’ve been experienced this for many times. Despite for this problem, I found a solution for this. You just need to disappear the existing network.

1. Go to Network and Sharing Network. Just click on the network icon in the task bar.

2. As you can see, two networks are appearing. Just choose one of the networks to assign an IP address. Click on the Local area connection->Properties->Choose Internet Protocol v4.
3. Assign the IP address manually. Type for IP and for subnet. Then click apply.

4. You will notice one network is now appearing. Click back to the local area connection. Then click diagnose. Wait until it prompt the apply fix option. Just click on it and wait until it finish.
I am using DHCP(automatic assign on IP address).

Ragnarok Dual Clienting on Windows Vista and Windows 7

Have you encountered opening two ragnarok clients and then, one of the clients got hanged?

The solution for that is to turn off your UAC. UAC is a windows application that will appear and prompt every time you open or run an application. To turn off that UAC, here is the instruction:

1. Go to your Start Menu.

2. Type MSCONFIG on the search then press ENTER.

3. The System Configuration will appear, now go to tools.

4. Select Disable UAC then click launch.

5. To take effect, you must restart your computer and after that, you are finish.

For those ragnarok players, I hope I helped you solved this problem. ^^


After few months of making our documentation for our SAD project, our group has decided to change our company. Our SAD instructor and our consultant advised us to change our proposal because it was quite easy according to our instructor. He explained to us that our project has a prospect to be rejected for the reason that it has another solution that is very simple and easy. Our group realized and admits of what the instructor said to us. So, we don’t have a choice but to accept the fact that we are rejected. But luckily, our instructor proposed us a system that will be very useful for the ITE faculty. He explained to us what the system is. It was complicated. But we need to accept the challenge rather than finding another company because we sensed it might be approved if we can deliver it accurately. But I was scared when he told us that one of the panelists can be our Associate Dean. (DAFA) Sige lang kaya lage ni..>:)

Globe Broadband is back

I've been waiting for more than a week for my Internet connection to become stable. But its ok now. I was wondering why Globe Broadband has their trouble for a very long time. But, never mind. Back to my vices../GG