Create a program which will ask the user to input 5 digit number and display the numbers between spaces.
1 2 3 4 5
Here's the tip:
12345 - 2345 = 10000/10000 = 1
2345 - 345 = 2000/1000 = 2
345 - 45 = 300/100 = 3
45 - 5 = 40/10 = 4
45 - 40 = 5
You will notice that you need to subtract the 12345 to 2345. 2345 is the digit except for the 1st digit number. How to get it?
12345%10000 = 2345
its like 12345/10000 = 1.2345
This % will get the remainder.
Hope you get an idea from that.
If you have any comment, feel free to post.
nice one dah!!!
i will create a C program...XD
nice two james carl!haha
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